Saturday, 10 March 2007

Dangerous man with a dog and a stick

As I was playing with my daughter in the playground, a man jogging along with his dog hurled a heavy stick into the playground which was intended for the dog to chase. It narrowly missed a girl standing by and another girl in the swing. Even if he had managed to avoid the playground, there were children playing football nearby so there really was no place for such a dangerous implement to be thrown. The girl on the swing managed to throw it outside the enclosure where the dog was waiting eagerly. The man just said something like good throw and carried on jogging. I don't think he actually felt sorry at all. He must have felt that as it did not hit anyone, it was ok. Surely he could have at least set a good example to the children and said sorry.

I remember a similar incident vividly to this day that I regret very much (maybe I was 14). I was playing golf in the park where there was no one in sight except some people playing in the tennis courts. I had some idea of how far I could hit the golf ball but never in my wildest dreams did I expect the ball to reach the tennis courts. Luckily, it had hit the fence and trickled into the tennis court. I rushed over to the tennis court and apologised profusely. I was prepared to be scolded severely but the father was very magnanimous. I was in a state of shock for quite some time afterwards. How could this man calmly jog away from the above scene? I struggle to understand.

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