Monday, 4 August 2008

Email to Mr Cameron and Mr Johnson

Dear Mr Cameron,
I was very impressed by the swift reply i received before. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of Boris Johnson. As a member of the public, I expect at least a reply. I would like to bring the issue I sent to Boris Johnson to you because I feel it is very relevant to make our country healthier. I understand that David Cameron is a busy man but I do hope that theses issues are passed on to him. Could you tell me the procedure that is undertaken for these issues to be sent to Mr Cameron? Below is the email I sent to Mr Johnson:

Dear Mr Johnson,
I remember you suggested an idea about parking wardens helping to keep the streets of London safe. I think that this is a good idea but I fear that their image will not help. You may say that helping to keep the streets safe will balance things out. I fear that by associating yourself with these people (as they are not all people of scruples) will be bad for you and ultimately for London. Please allow me to briefly tell you my story.

I parked a car unknowingly in a residents permit holders only space (I was in a rush to meet my pregnant wife in hospital). I passed a traffic warden who was issuing a penalty charge notice to a car next to mine. I said please don't issue one for me whilst I get a parking ticket. I thought all was well but on the way back with my wife, I find a penalty charge notice. I explained the circumstance to the council but they were not interested. I later find that there is a possibility that the traffic warden was acting unlawfully. This is because they are, by law, meant to be helpful like the police.

Do you not find any problem employing such people to make the streets of London safe? They may exploit their new powers by for example bribing. One should not employ people of unscrupulous nature. I voted for you to become mayor and I would be worried if you are going through with this proposal.

Your idea can work but it needs a lot of time. Firstly, traffic wardens should not be paid on a commission basis (they are currently paid by the number of tickets being issued). This is because it is not under the control of the council but private companies who are money hungry. This set up could still work as long as the wardens are not getting paid on a commission basis. They may not do their job well enough? Well, let the locals decide if the parking enforcement is not up to scratch. Make it easy for people to complain about the parking enforcement. This I hope will make the public see the wardens in a new light. Then your idea has a much better chance for it to work.

Yours faithfully,
Dr Julian Hartley

PS I am passionate about the Conservatives and our country. I have other ideas on education, crime prevention and ways to make our country a better place. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like my help.

Furthermore, I am deeply saddened by the treatment I have received from the Camden Council on this matter. They have yet to reply to me. Another issue I would like to point out is the uncooperative nature of local councils. They do not evoke an image of supporting a community. The least they can do is to give me a reply. By the mere fact that they are not responding suggests that they do not care, not to mention being rude. How can moral standards be maintained if local government and the main Government act in this manner? This can be seen throughout society from the BBC programmes (including cbeebies) through to the explicit evidence of knife crimes. Moral issues must be dealt with from an early age through to institutions. I have some ideas on these matters but I am digressing. For institutions to improve, they must listen and so they must at least reply. This includes the police. They are meant to be serving the community so why not let the police become closer to the community? I am digressing again but why not have mini police stations that serve areas of communities instead of just having one large police station serving a wider community? This sort of arrangement will make the community stronger.

Back to the point about the above email, the law is also a problem. Where do I turn to about an issue that concerns the law? Many people cannot afford the fee that lawyers charge. The law is for everyone and at the moment, it is only properly served by people who can afford the fees. Is this morally right? Is this a reason to feel at least something against the law? In my case, I just happened to come across an article on the internet which to me suggested that the council had acted inappropriately. If the council ignores me, who do I turn to without having to pay a substantial fee? Make the law work for everyone equally.

I have too many issues on our country to mention here. I do want to make our country a better place to live but when voices are not heard, you can easily despair and one starts to think about the prospects of one's children. Too many people are emigrating because they feel they cannot be heard.

Yours sincerely,
Dr Julian Hartley

PS Do you remember the "BREAKDOWN BRITAIN A guide to our broken society and how to fix it" publication. I and everyone around me were not very impressed by this. Firstly, it appeared to miss important issues. I would very much like to help you on this matter. Secondly, you brought all these issues to the people and you want the people's opinion on it. Many people are too busy to do such things. I am writing this out of despair and because I work at home although I have children to look after. You are in the position to make the difference and you really need to find what is best for the country yourself rather than asking the public who are already busy.

PPS The inequalities I mentioned above exists on your very doorstep. You send out paper to ask me to become a member of the Conservative Party where the first three months are free. Why do you only let people join if they are capable of paying? Why do you let these inequalities exist? It makes me think that you are not able to gauge the problems that the public have.

May I remind you what I wrote at the beginning? I do hope it is you Mr David Cameron that replies to this. I do hope you agree that what is contained here is highly important to building a better community and a better future.

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