Friday, 23 February 2007

Football and morals

Football (soccer) is a very successful sport when you consider the amount of money it generates. But does it set a morally good example? I don't think so. I think it is one of the worst sports for setting a good moral example.

Take for example the diving. Players these days just collapse without any collisions. At the moment, players have a mentality that if they can get an advantage by foul play they should do it. If they are not noticed the better. Surely this kind of skewed moral has transcended into daily life by influencing children. If they can get away with it, they should do it without thinking of the moral consequences. If the football stars can get away with it, it must be ok.

Turning this tide by just talking to the players is probably impossible. Why not include video replays? Replay it on the big screen and if it is diving, it will be entertaining for the spectators, embarrassing for the player and there is proof. In no time, the players will stop diving.

Some police stations are closed

Some police stations are not open 24 hours a day. I am losing a lot of confidence in the policing in the UK. There is also the problem of not tackling what the police call minor crime. But the minor crime like robbery, burglary and violence are what the general public want tackled. They should be punished severely once caught rather than let off lightly (it appears unlikely because of the lack of space in prisons).

I like the idea of having mini police stations (they used to be called police boxes but I mean something bigger) all around the local communities which are open 24 hours. The police will be much more familiar to the community and they should be able to get to the crime scene quicker. This is what it is like in Japan. I think this is a vital way to create safer communities. At the moment, I feel the police and the community are too distant.

There does seem to be steps being made towards such an idea. I take my daughter out at night to get her to sleep. I bumped into two policemen walking along my street. I have lived here for more than 20 years and this is the first time I have seen any policemen walking along my street. I quickly searched online and I found a mobile phone number to get in touch with them. But Japan I feel is one step ahead because the mini police stations or Kouban (housing maybe 3), are interacting more with the community.

You may question if such a scheme is feasible? I think it is possible if the police are spread out more than now.

Another point is whether the police have enough time to patrol the community when they appear to be lumbered with a lot of paper work? I am in favour of police having less paper work and instead patrolling more of the streets.

Prisoner who attempted suicide is paid compensation

A prisoner has been awarded 575,000 pounds compensation because the prison wardens managed to prevent the attempted suicide. Is this morally right? I do not want to get into the debate about euthanasia. Even if you believe in euthanasia, I still think it is wrong to try and kill yourself when there is a chance that someone could rescue you.

Besides, why should any amount of money be paid for this incident? Currently, the UK law is against suicide or assisted suicide. So the law appears to be supporting th actions of the wardens. This case is currently under investigation.

How can people have faith in the judicial system when this sort of thing happens? If only the law was more straightforward.

Lack of space in prisons

Lack of space in prisons. I don't mean that the cells are tiny (prisons in the UK are probably luxury compared to prisons abroad). I mean the number of cells are inadequate to house the burgeoning number of prisoners. The problem must be pressing because they are thinking of placing murderers and paedophiles in prisons where there is less security. I find this a problem
because there are already problems in selecting prisoners for early release under parole since many are re-offending. The people that make these decisions could decide who should be sent to the less secure prisons.

Besides, there should not be a lack of space in prisons. The knock on effects are fewer convictions. The police have to be more lenient because they will know that the judges will be more lenient. Someone has to be more lenient because it appears that we do not have enough space to house every offender even if the police can catch them all. Is this not a grim reality? I fear that this is sending a message to offenders and any would-be offenders that there is a higher chance of them escaping a jail sentence because the judicial system and the police will be more lenient towards them. This is one reason why people feel less safe on the street and in their homes.

Take the following example. I was reading a group discussion online about someone who was hit by a car which had jumped a red light. The car returned and rather than enquiring whether the person was ok, three men came out (one with a baseball bat) demanding money for the repair. The man escaped but not without getting smashed over the head with the baseball bat. This is already shocking to me because I cannot understand how someone could have such skewed moral values? What makes it worse is that according to the lawyers in the group, getting a conviction is difficult. Furthermore, even with a conviction, they will most likely be release with a caution. With such injustice, how can people have faith in the law apart from the criminals? What is even worse, the lawyers call this a minor offence.

Inequality in education with voucher scheme for bright pupils

The government is kick starting a scheme where the top 10 percent of pupils get some extra lessons. Why is it that the brightest pupils get such treatment. Do you not want to send a message that everyone has an equal chance? I feel that a kid that has a willingness to learn is more important than being bright. So take for example a kid that has just missed the mark and is in the 11 percent. How do you deny this person if there is genuine enthusiasm? Why does the government waste money on silly schemes like this. Squandering public money. They should be focusing on how learning is fun for everyone.

Labour and morals

The news papers mention about Mr Blair's holiday destinations and the celebrities that he mingles with. I find these issues much more acceptable than the fact that he can even go on holiday when there are his troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. If I was in his shoes, I would carry on doing what is required of a prime minister since I could not enjoy a holiday. Besides, although he has failed to live up to his expectations, the least he can do is to show some effort. I don't know how he can sleep confortably on holiday let alone a normal working day night. The impression he is sending to me is "I like being famous and being able to hang out with other famous people. I wish I can be in this position until I die. That would be a tough record to break for any Heads of state. The least I can do is to stay until I am forced out." His excuse for going on holiday is because of his children. This is not a good reason to go on holiday under the circumstances.

There are other people in the Labour party and who were in the Labour party who lack moral values. Peter Mandelson has been in and out of the Labour party twice for dubious behaviour. Is this morally good? I don't think so. Goodness knows how such a person can be chosen to be the UK's European Commissioner. David Blunkett has had a long affair with a married woman. This morally wrong reason alone did not seem enough for his departure. The reason for his first departure was to do with providing privileges to a nanny. Then he was able to come back. Then he resigned over more controversy. John Prescott has had numerous controversies and yet he has managed to remain the deputy prime minister. The bottom line is, if politicians do not do something that will affect their job directly, they can even be morally wrong. Again if politicians set this kind of example, what signals are they sending out to the children?

When people at such powerful positions can exercise poor moral values, you can imagine how an ordinary person may also fail to do so. We should expect politicians to set a good example.

I do hope the next Government has a better moral standard and above all can set a good example to everyone.

Benefit fraud

Why should there be more benefits paid to single parents? Well, the trivial answer is that fewer funds coming in so they need more support. But what about from the perspective of a couple looking after their children? Why should they be paid less? I cannot imagine couples splitting up to get more benefits but there are couples who claim that they are single parents and claiming more. My objection is the lack of support from the government for being together as a family. I don't think you need any hard facts to justify that being together is more beneficial to society than being single. Bringing up children is difficult even when there are both parents. It is much tougher on your own so you will have much less opportunities to instil values. Also if you are feeling under pressure, the children will find the environment uncomfortable. The government should support families at least equally. The problem is, the bigger the family becomes, the more they can survive off the benefits without working. You don't need to be a genius to realise that this is detrimental to the stability of society.

Job seeker's allowance is a benefit paid to people who are looking for work and are currently unemployed. Do other countries have such a benefit? I am technically unemployed. Although I am not actually looking for a job because I am in the middle of setting up a business with a friend. However there is no income at all. I would be grateful for any assistance from the government and I suppose it would be easy for me to claim this benefit. But I am not and I have no intention of doing so. But there are plenty of others exploiting this benefit as well. Why not scrap this benefit? Benefits which can be easily exploited should be either scrapped and introduce something that cannot be exploited or try to prevent exploitation.

Entertaining teenagers

Some people have mentioned that if teenagers have adequate facilities to be entertained, they will not resort to crime. This is a superficial measure that does not tackle the main problem. The main problem is the lack of moral values and the lack of imagination. If they have the proper moral values, they will not resort to crime. If they have imagination, they will be able to entertain themselves. You don't need expensive facilities to entertain children. For example, you just need a field and a ball and they can play the well known games or they can create their own games.

Our society is geared towards materialism. Children born in a materialistic society will have their imagination, curiosity and creativity stunted. They are too busy wanting to acquire materials instead of trying to develop their inside skills. We need to encourage children to develop their inside skills rather than skills in how to acquire materials.

The current education model has also problems. A common reason given to children is go to school, do well and you should be able to find a good job which will allow you to acquire many materials you want. The government, schools and some parents believe that this is the principal reason to go to school. No wonder children feel a lot of pressure and lack entertainment value from schools.

Since children are grouped together, no matter how you put it, the environment is competitive. This also puts a lot of pressure. Although learning about competition and pressure is important, they should not be taught about this concerning their abilities.

Schools should be a place for children to be entertained. Learning must be shown to be fun. Why is it not fun? Several reasons.
  • Motivating why they are learning something is lacking. Teachers must explain why things are important in relation to society and to their pupils.
  • Quick learners get bored because of the slow pace.
  • Slow learners get bored because they cannot keep up and so cannot understand.
For the last two points, the solutions has been to split the children into classes depending on their abilities. There is nothing worse that to be labeled at such an age. I do not think this is wise and should be avoided at all cost. So how can the children of the same year be taught together? Well, focus on the first point and only cover what everyone can do. For quick learners, they can collect as much learning material as they please maybe online or by post. As they go through the material, they can ask the teacher if they get stuck. They could be allocated time to ask. For slow learners, they can go at a pace that suits them. How can they be examined (compared)? They will be only examined on the learning material that they have requested. This way the competitive nature is hidden more than at present.

There is a problem in letting children do what they want to do. When there is lack of guidance, they can easily get lost. They may only want to do what they want to do.

Killing the homeless for entertainment

I read recently about a gangs of teenagers in America will kill the homeless for entertainment. I don't know the current situation in Japan but I know that similar events were common a while back. In the UK, we have seen the proliferation of happy slapping (attacking someone while the event is filmed). There are also plenty of unprovoked attacks which end in murder.

How can people be so lacking in moral values? Why are these people enjoying killing? I cannot begin to understand how their minds work. Can it be prevented? Well surely the number of these incidents will fall if people have the right moral values.

I do believe that we can never completely get rid of these incidents because it would be highly unlikely to be living in a world were everyone is born to do good. The probability of having a whole spectrum of people with varying goodness (including bad) is much more likely. So I suppose I believe that some people are born bad. Although I do believe that many of them can be nurtured in a way to be good. Education is the key.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Gang of teenagers

When I was in the playground with my daughter, a group of teenagers entered the enclosure. They were smoking and let in a dog (bull terrier). We quickly left the scene. There is a lack of moral values among these teenagers. Smoking is a bad influence on small children and a bull terrier can be very dangerous to people. Why did they not know this? Are they not properly educated? Where do they learn what is right from wrong? The parents should instill these values. Do the parents know what is right from wrong? Perhaps the parents of these teenagers do not know what is right from wrong?

How can we break out of this vicious cycle? Well, if the parents cannot be relied upon, the schools must teach what is right from wrong. Once the morals are instilled into every child, the job can be passed back to the parents.