Friday, 23 February 2007

Killing the homeless for entertainment

I read recently about a gangs of teenagers in America will kill the homeless for entertainment. I don't know the current situation in Japan but I know that similar events were common a while back. In the UK, we have seen the proliferation of happy slapping (attacking someone while the event is filmed). There are also plenty of unprovoked attacks which end in murder.

How can people be so lacking in moral values? Why are these people enjoying killing? I cannot begin to understand how their minds work. Can it be prevented? Well surely the number of these incidents will fall if people have the right moral values.

I do believe that we can never completely get rid of these incidents because it would be highly unlikely to be living in a world were everyone is born to do good. The probability of having a whole spectrum of people with varying goodness (including bad) is much more likely. So I suppose I believe that some people are born bad. Although I do believe that many of them can be nurtured in a way to be good. Education is the key.

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